Friday, March 13, 2009


Last fall when we first started investigating in the field, we were very limited on equipment. What little we had involved a video camera with night vision, a regular tape recorder, flash lights and digital cameras. We have recently added a digital voice recorder to our investigation equipment along with a voice editing computer software program. We have also added a ghost meter like this one shown in the photo. A ghost meter is simply a emf detector where emf stands for electric magnetic field. It is believed that spirits give off an electric magnetic field that can be detected by these devices. One should carefully examine a cause for detection however as leaks in electrical wiring or plumbing may set these off as well. A high reading off of electrical wiring or plumbing in a building should be corrected as soon as possible as it can make a person who is sensitive to magnetic fields nauseous, dizzy, cause headaches and even cause hallucinations or a feeling of being watched. These are also known as K2 meters. We are very excited to be gathering new equipment for our field investigations and hope to be adding more soon.

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